
Public Service Broadcasting: Annual Report 2007

(para se perceber o muito que há a fazer por cá em matéria de melhoria da programação, avaliação e auto-avaliação dos operadores de televisão, em particular do Serviço Público).

Public Service Broadcasting - Annual Report 2007 [pdf] : "This report is the first in an annual series. It aims to provide an evidence base for monitoring the delivery of public service broadcasting (PSB). The designated PSB broadcasters are the BBC, ITV1, GMTV, Channel 4, Five, S4C and Teletext.

"It is important to stress from the outset that this is a factual account of broadcast hours, viewing figures and audience opinions of the channels, rather than a strategic review of the PSB landscape. Its purpose is to enable both Ofcom and its stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of the current position of PSB delivery, and how this has changed over the last five years. These annual reports will be particularly valuable in the run up to digital switchover.

"The report is an outcome of Ofcom’s 2004 PSB Review, which stated that Ofcom would develop a new approach to assessing the effectiveness of public service broadcasters (...)"

Overall summary:

• PSB as a whole continues to be valued highly by viewers.

• The provision of programmes which help inform people’s understanding of the world is the most important element of PSB amongst viewers, and is also the area perceived to be best delivered.

• The PSB channels contribute to the delivery of overall PSB objectives in different ways.

• The BBC performs particularly strongly across many of the elements of PSB. BBC One’s strengths are in delivering news and big national events, while BBC Two performs well for stimulating knowledge and learning.

• ITV1 is appreciated for its quality drama and regional identity; its provision of peak-time first-run originated Drama and Soap is also significantly higher than other channels.

• Channel 4 is rated most highly for engaging, high quality and challenging programmes; 16-24s rate Channel 4 more highly on virtually all PSB measures than the audience as a whole.

• Five’s output is less strongly appreciated by regular viewers in general terms, reflecting the relative size and salience of the channel. However, when looking at appreciation of individual programmes, it gets strong support.

• Children’s PSB is valued particularly highly by parents, but there are clear issues with some elements of its delivery, particularly on ITV1.

• There are a number of areas where PSB is perceived to be delivering less well. Innovation is rated as important by nearly 6 out of 10 viewers, however in terms of delivery it scores lower than any other PSB Characteristic, a finding consistent with Ofcom’s 2004 PSB Review. The reflection of regions to the rest of the UK is also perceived to be being delivered less well (albeit of stated lower priority for people). Programmes that stimulate learning or that challenge people are similarly not perceived as particularly well delivered.

• Viewing of UK content has also decreased in some areas, most notably to comedy. Terrestrial viewing of Music programmes is down, although viewing of Arts programmes has increased.

PSB Purposes:

Informing our understanding of the world - To inform ourselves and others and to increase our understanding of the world through news, information and analysis of current events and ideas

Stimulating knowledge and learning -To stimulate our interest in and knowledge of arts, science, history and other topics through content that is accessible and can encourage informal learning

Reflecting UK cultural identity - To reflect and strengthen our cultural identity through original programming at UK, national and regional level, on occasion bringing audiences together for shared experiences

Representing diversity and alternative viewpoints - To make us aware of different cultures and alternative viewpoints, through programmes that reflect the lives of other people and other communities, both within the UK and elsewhere

PSB Characteristics:

High quality - well-funded and well-produced

Original – new UK content rather than repeats or acquisitions

Innovative – breaking new ideas or re-inventing exciting approaches, rather than copying old ones

Challenging – making viewers think

Engaging – remaining accessible and attractive to viewers

Widely available – if content is publicly funded, a large majority of citizens need to be given the chance to watch it

Contributions to PSB from main broadcasters/providers

The BBC as the cornerstone of PSB, with special responsibility for investing in distinctive content and always striving to meet PSB Purposes and Characteristics.

ITV1 focusing on news and high production value origination from around the UK. ITV1 having a special additional responsibility for the provision of regional news, current affairs and other regional programming.

Channel 4 as having a specific remit for innovation, educative programming and distinctiveness.

Five being primarily market-led with a focus on UK original production.

S4C having a key role in Welsh language public service broadcasting.

Teletext having a remit for a range of high quality and diverse text material

Ver ainda: Broadcasters' Statements of Programme Policy


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