
UE consensualiza revisão da Directiva 'TSF' (act.4)

Le Monde (14.11.06): Vers un assouplissement des règles de la publicité.

Parlamento Europeu: Television in the digital age: MEPs adopt a new approach to product placement.

El Mundo (13.11.06): Los 25 acuerdan aumentar el número de anuncios en las televisiones europeas: "Los ministros de Cultura de la Unión Europea (UE) han dado el visto bueno al aumento de la publicidad en televisión, al eliminar el máximo de tres horas diarias, reducir el intervalo entre cortes y autorizar como excepción la publicidad encubierta. Los titulares de Cultura adoptaron un "enfoque general" sobre la Directiva 'Televisión Sin Fronteras', que pretende establecer estándares mínimos comunes para todos los servicios audiovisuales, con independencia de la plataforma utilizada para su difusión."


The Commission Proposal for a Modernisation of the Television without Frontiers Directive - Debate in Parliament and Council(9/11/2006) On 13 December 2005, the Commission adopted the proposal for the revision of the “Television without frontiers” directive to address the significant technological and market developments in the field of the regulation of audiovisual services. At the Council of Audiovisual Ministers on 13 November, the Presidency will present a new text with a cover note stating Member States remaining specific concerns. Through discussion, the Presidency will explore whether there is enough support for the general approach. No firm conclusion of the discussion is expected at this stage.In the European Parliament, also on Monday 13 November, the Media & Culture Committee will vote on their report on the Commission's proposal.The first reading of this Commission proposal by the Parliament is likely to be concluded through a vote in the plenary session of the Parliament in Strasbourg in December (11-14 December 2006). This in turn may lead to Council adopting a Common Position on the Directive in May 2007, under the German Presidency.

FAQs Modernisation of TVWF website

European Parliament : Committee on Culture and Education : meeting documents - State of play

Council : Education, Youth and Culture Council (EYC) - Meeting documents

Televisão sem fronteiras: Comissão propõe regras modernizadas para serviços de televisão e similares da era digital.

Full text of the proposed Directive

Modernising the TV without Frontiers directive

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