
CNN International vs. CNN USA, ou como anda o jornalismo, também por lá...

"(...) In November 2003 I interviewed Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, focusing primarily on his decision to send Japanese non-combat forces to Iraq despite widespread public opposition. Despite being a close ally of U.S. President Bush, Koizumi said Bush should be doing more to cooperate with the international community.1 While this interview was broadcast repeatedly on CNN International, not a single sound-bite ran on CNN USA, the version of CNN available to most Americans. Producers in Atlanta said there hadn’t been time to tell American viewers what Washington’s closest Asian ally thought of the Bush administration’s foreign policy. On the day Koizumi spoke with me, it was a busy news morning in the U.S. Show producers found other news to be of higher priority: an interview with Private Jessica Lynch, an interview with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, a court ruling on gay marriage and updates on the Michael Jackson trial. I understood the CNN USA producers’ perspective: they are not paid to serve the public policy interest. They are paid to boost the ratings of their shows, and thus make choices every day in favor of news stories they feel will keep viewers from changing the channel to competitors (...)". Rebecca MacKinnon, THE WORLD-WIDE CONVERSATION: Online participatory media and international news.


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