
Perigos graves da 'baby-sitter' electrónica

Ainda a propósito do novo canal Baby TV, da TV Cabo, aconselha-se sobretudo aos pais a leitura de estudos sobre PHDA (Perturbação de Hiperactividade com Défice de Atenção).

Por exemplo: Study Finds Link Between Television Viewing and Attention Problems in Children
Um extracto do press release: "Seattle, Wash.: April 5, 2004 – Early television exposure in children ages 1-3 is associated with attention problems at age 7, according to a study from Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle. The study, published in the April issue of PEDIATRICS revealed that each hour of television watched per day at ages 1-3 increases the risk of attention problems, such as ADHD, at age 7 by almost 10%. These results control for other attributes of the home environment including cognitive stimulation and emotional support.

"The findings also suggest that preventive action can be taken to minimize the risk of attention problems in children. Limiting young children’s exposure to television during the formative years of brain development consistent with the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) recommendations may reduce a child’s subsequent risk of developing ADHD. The AAP recommends parents avoid letting their children under the age of 2 years watch television and that caution be exerted in children over the age of 2." (...)

Ver também: TV, Computers and the Internet: Limiting Screen Time

Em Portugal há um pequeno livro sobre as prováveis consequências de uma exposição continuada à TV: PHDA - Um guia para professores, da autoria de Carla Maia (Psiquiatra) e Catarina Varejão (Psicóloga Clínica), do Departamento de Psiquiatria do Hospital de S. Gonçalo - Amarante.

Ler ainda o excelente artigo de Carla Viana «O Cérebro deles está a mudar?», Pública, de 26 de Setembro de 2004.

Outras informações: Associação Portuguesa da Criança Hiperactiva


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