
The Internet of Things

ITU Internet Reports - The Internet of Things (November 2005): The first chapter, Introducing the Internet of Things, explains the technical visions underlying the Internet of Things in ubiquitous networks, next-generation networks and ubiquitous computing. Chapter two, Enabling Technologies, examines the technologies that will drive the future Internet of Things, including radio-frequency identification (RFID), sensor technologies, smart things and nanotechnology and miniaturization. Chapter three, Shaping the Market, explores the market potential of these technologies, as well as factors inhibiting their market growth, and illustrates changing business models in three representative industries. Chapter four, Emerging Challenges, considers the wider implications of the Internet of Things for society, in standardization, privacy and socio-ethical challenges. Chapter five, Opportunities for the Developing World, examines the benefits these technologies offer to developing countries to address their concerns. Chapter six, The Big Picture, concludes by describing how a user might conduct their life in 2020 and summarizes the key interactions described in the book.
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